👋 Welcome to ThatSoftwareDude's typing practice website. Here you can practice your typing skills and improve your words-per-minute. This website is free to use and does not require an account to get started. Your scores are saved locally on your browser and you can track your progress as you work to increase those words-per-minute.
Touch typing is a valueable skill to have in this day and age. But getting good at it requires a ton of practice. Which is I why I created this website. As a software engineer, typing speed is critical for me and my work and being able to type at over 100WPM keeps my workday moving fast.
This site features multiple typing tests for folks at any skill level. If you're just getting started, then the Lowercase test is for you as it is void of any puctuation, numbers and capitalizations.
The biggest feature on this website though is being able to select a 15-30 second duration per test. If you think that you're too busy today to start practicing, realize that it will only cost you 15 seconds of your time.
In order to improve your reaction time, we also have a single letter test that will test your ability to react to a single letter and type it as fast as possible. This is a great way to improve your reaction time and your overall typing speed.
Fun Facts
- The fastest typist in the world can type over 200 words per minute.
- The QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow down typists in the 1800s.
- Touch typing can improve your focus and reduce errors.
Feature request
If there is a specific typing related feature that you would like to see, you can submit a request over on the feedback page.