
Welcome To My Tech Blog

but the rest will be better..I promise

I have been writing software for over a decade now, and it has led me to this blog. I have spent years going to lunch with co-workers spending hours a day talking about wouldn't it be cool if this, and wouldn't that suck tons, and why is Dexter so damn awesome in season 5 but 6 gets kinda weird. I'm a very misanthropic human being, and as such, I don't have an active Facebook or Twitter, or MySpace even. And if I ever make an account on those sites, I usually tend to keep my identity at bay using some random photo I picked up in a newspaper somewhere. So with this blog, I hope to achieve two things.

1. Be as open as I can about anything I feel like writing about, whether it be writing software, running a site, going to a Machine Head show, or season 7 of Dexter which I'm almost at.

2. Not have to worry about who I am, just some guy that writes software.

3. (un-credited). To teach someone someday something that I have learned. The 3 s's I call it. I've spent tons of hours stuck on bugs and problems and the solutions weren't the most obvious. I've always said, if you can't explain something to someone, then you probably don't know it. I'll be doing some explaining in the coming future.

Aside from those 3 awesome ideas I will also be boring some people with the progress of my current projects. I write alot of code all day long and I have several websites that I've built that I maintain daily, so any new ideas I may currently think is amazing I will be jotting down here for anyone interested in seeing the development process I go through.

Walter G. author of blog post
Walter Guevara is a Computer Scientist, software engineer, startup founder and previous mentor for a coding bootcamp. He has been creating software for the past 20 years.

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