

What is the state of ASP.NET Web Forms in 2025?
As a long-time ASP.NET Web Forms developer who has maintained applications in this framework for over a decade, I understand the uncertainty
How to enabled aspx pages in Visual Studio 2022
ASP.NET Web Forms may be an old technology, but they aren't quite dead just yet. Alot of websites still rely on the now mature framewor
Converting A Blog From .NET to Node.js
For the past few months I've been heavily considering migrating this blog from a custom .NET and C# application over to a Node.js and possib
Is C# Dying Out in 2022?
More recently I've been hearing rumors on the internet that C# is going the way of the dinosaur. That the .NET framework is just too fragmen
Microsoft shows Web Forms some love with new Web Live Preview designer
If you thought that ASP.NET Web Forms were long gone and completely forgotten, then hold that thought for just a minute.Microsoft has recent
.NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1 will reach End of Support in 2022
If you have a .NET application that is over 5 years old (as I do) then perhaps you should take a minute and take a look at the version
Taking a look at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in .NET Core
If you're a .NET developer then no doubt you are very well versed in using the  System.Data.SqlClient namespace. It is essentially at t
How to resize image files with C#
I recently wrote about website optimization on this blog as it is quickly becoming an important ranking factor in search engines.
Should you still be using ASP.NET Web Forms in 2021?
ASP.NET has seen many changes during the past decade. What once started as a super lightweight scripting language (Classic ASP), has grown i
Implementing Google's Invisible ReCaptcha In .NET
If keeping bots away is your thing, then using Google's reCAPTCHA is a must. And while it can be tedious to click on 20 images of cars in
Taking A Look At ASP.NET Core
One of the biggest things to come from Microsoft recently, for developers, is .NET core, which is a lightweight, multi-platform framework f
Starting Out With ASP.NET MVC Part 3
Welcome to part 3 of my starting off with MVC tutorial. In this post I will be mainly going over Data Annotations. You can check out part 1
Implementing Google's No Captcha reCaptcha In ASP.NET
Captchas and reCaptchas are great inventions. They help keep spam out and help to verify that humans are on the interwebs and not mischievo
Starting Out With ASP.NET MVC Part 2
Last time I left off with ASP.NET MVC, I covered how to create a new MVC project in Visual Studio and how to add new Controllers and Views.
Starting Out With ASP.NET MVC Part 1
One of my weaknesses in programming is actively using MVC in my projects. Particularly ASP.NET MVC, since I am a .NET Developer. Most of th
Working With Delegates In C# For Beginners
I don't normally run into delegates in my day to day coding, but at some point you will run into them and you'll want to know what they are
How To Encrypt Passwords Using SHA-256 In C# And .NET
.NET makes it pretty simple to work with data encryption with the Cryptography namespace. So there should be no reason to have plain text...
Creating An XML Document in ASP.NET
There are various different approaches to XML document creation in .NET. There is no right or wrong way really, it just depends on the situ
How To Watermark Images In C#
As a developer, I hate using 3rd party software to accomplish things that would take a few minutes or hours of work. For example, watermark
Implementing DLL's For Your ASP.NET Site
Code re-use is at the heart of any good developer and it is a very welcomed ally when the time arrives. The last thing you want to do when
Adding Controls Programmatically In ASP.NET
The beauty of working on .NET web forms is that every control that you see on the screen is an object of some kind, inheriting from the bas
How To Dynamically Add Meta Data To Your ASP.NET Pages
Meta descriptions and keywords help search engines figure out what your web pages are about. And while it is highly contended as to whether
How To Dynamically Create Your SiteMap In ASP.NET
Recently I logged into Google Webmaster Tools and realized that my sitemap for one of my websites had not been updated since I first launch
How To Make Ajax Calls In ASP.NET Using Web Services
Using the ScriptManager Creating A WebService Making a Call To A WebService Returning Data To Caller Quick Recap and Summary Ajax has be
ASP.NET Web Pages Quick Start Guide
Web Pages and WebMatrix Razor View Engine Database Operations Parametereized Queries @Helper and @Functions @helper @functions AJAX L
Multiple AJAX FileUpload in ASP.NET
Updated: Click here for an updated Drag and Drop File upload how to. Here's a quick AJAX FileUpload written for ASP.NET WebForms that I us