

Do web developers need computer science degrees?
Despite the rapid growth of the internet and the huge demand for skilled web developers these days, many companies still have set in stone r
3 Computer Science fundamentals to learn right now
You might think that Computer Science essentially comes down to programming concepts, data structures and algorithms, and to some extent tha
3 reasons why you shouldn't get a degree in Computer Science
Before I start, I will say that I do in fact have a degree in Computer Science from a reputable university. Getting the degree fit in line w
3 reasons why you should get a Computer Science degree
Tech CEO's have had a weird impact during the past decade influencing many young folks to avoid college all together and to go out on their
How I got started with Computer Science
As corny as it sounds, it all began when I was 5 years old. I'd like to think that this is true for everyone. And that thos
JavaScript Bubble Sort Algorithm Explained: A Beginner’s Guide
Sorting is a common task that is required of programmers many a time. You need to sort things such as search result sets to standard lists o
Our code is getting old and outdated and we need to fix it soon
Hear me out. I love StackOverflow and Google. Alot. It has made my job overall much less frustrating and has made for some short work days.
What is "black-box code" and why it's important
The concept of black-box modeling isn't anything new in the software developer world. It essentially comes down to hiding the comp
This is why programmers are so important
To those new individuals entering the programming job world currently, thoughts and ideas of high paying salaries, high tech sounding titles
Advice For New Computer Science Grads
Graduation season is upon us and with that, many fresh grads are leaving the warm shelter of A+ tests to the colder realms of "Yes, I have
Looking Beyond Computers In Computer Science
The definition of Computer Scientist has changed many times during the past century. Even more so now with the popularization and novelty o
Taking The "Science" Out Of Computer Science
Studying Computer Science in college is unusually difficult. I say unusual, because 80% of all that science concepts taught will probably o
Computer Science For All May Not Be The Right Answer
Recently the President proposed a 4 billion dollar plan that would enable public schools to teach computer science courses to everyone from