

Use this custom GTP to learn about Progressive Web Apps
I recently went through the process of converting this blog into a progressive web application, which you can read about here, and whil
ChatGPT can do code reviews, but are they any good?
If you've never sat through an hour long code review where your work gets torn apart in front of you, then you're not missing out on too muc
ChatGPT Store gets release date pushed out to 2024
During the recent OpenAI DevDay, which brought a slew of new users onto the platform, OpenAI showcased what it was calling a "GPT Store
ChatGPT celebrates its 1-year birthday today
They grow up so fast. Especially when they're trained on billions of parameters of data and are used by over 100-million people worldwide.Ch
Microsoft Paint adds new A.I. Cocreator to the mix
Not long ago Microsoft unveiled its slew of A.I. features that were planned to be baked right into the Windows OS, and one of those features
Proceed with caution when using ChatGPT for production code
There is alot of noise these days when it comes to the forthcoming A.I. apocalypse. Developer's are worried that a chatbot is going to take
I Spent a Week with ChatGPT, And This is How It Went
Ever since machines learned to talk, through chatbots, there has been a fear of them inevitably taking our human jobs. Everything from custo