What is the CSS 'all' Property?

What is the CSS 'all' Property?

CSS has revolutionized web design by giving developers the power to control the look and feel of a website with precision down to the finest pixel. One of the most powerful yet underused tools in the CSS arsenal is the all property.

In this guide, I'll dive deep into what the all property does, how to use it effectively, and some practical examples that will help you harness its full potential.

What is the CSS all Property?

The all property in CSS is a shorthand that allows you to reset or inherit all properties except the unicode-bidi and direction properties on an element. It’s like hitting a reset button for your styles, applying a single rule that can simplify and clean up your code significantly.

There are three main values you can assign to the all property:

initial: Resets all properties of an element to their initial value.

inherit: Forces all properties to inherit values from their parent element.

unset: Resets all properties to either their inherited value (if they are inheritable) or their initial value (if they are not inheritable).

Why Use the all Property?

Using the all property can be useful in several scenarios, such as the following:

Resetting styles: Sometimes, you may need to override a set of styles applied by a third-party library or a parent component. The all property allows you to quickly reset all styles on an element and start fresh.

Isolating components: In large projects, it's common to encounter style conflicts between different components. By applying all: initial; to a component, you can ensure that it doesn't inherit any unexpected styles from its ancestors, making your components more predictable and easier to manage.

Simplifying CSS: Instead of writing complex CSS to reset multiple properties, you can use the all property to achieve the same result with a single line of code.

Practical Examples of the all Property

Let's take a look at some practical use cases where the all property can make a significant difference.

1. Resetting a Component's Styles

Imagine you’re working on a button that needs to look consistent across different parts of your site, regardless of its context on the page. You can use the all property to ensure it doesn’t inherit any unexpected styles:

.reset-button {
    all: initial;
    background-color: #007bff;
    color: white;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;

In this example, all: initial; resets all styles, allowing you to define only the necessary ones for the button, ensuring it looks consistent everywhere.

2. Inheriting Styles for Theming

If you’re building a themeable component and want it to inherit styles from its parent, all: inherit; can be a lifesaver and simplify the process.

.theme-button {
    all: inherit;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;

With this, the button will inherit all styles from its parent, except for padding and border-radius, which you explicitly define.

3. Unsetting styles

Sometimes, you may need to unset styles that could be a mix of inherited and initial values. The unset value comes in handy for those situations:

.custom-card {
    all: unset;
    display: block;
    padding: 20px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Here, all: unset; ensures that the card doesn't inherit or maintain any styles that might disrupt its design, except for those explicitly stated.

Potential Pitfalls of the all Property

While the all property is incredibly powerful, it comes with some caveats:

Overuse: Using the all property too frequently can lead to overly complex CSS and make debugging more difficult.

Performance impact: Resetting or overriding a large number of properties can potentially impact performance, especially on large-scale applications.

Browser compatibility: Although most modern browsers support the all property, it’s always wise to check compatibility, particularly for older browsers.

Best Practices for Using the all Property

To make the most of the all property, consider these best practices:

Target specific elements: Apply the all property only to specific elements where needed, rather than globally. This minimizes the risk of unintended side effects.

Combine with other CSS properties: Use the all property alongside other CSS tools like variables, utility classes, and custom properties to create more maintainable and scalable stylesheets.

Testing: Always test the impact of the all property across different devices and browsers to ensure consistent behavior.


Mastering the CSS all property gives you a powerful tool to reset and control styles across your web projects. Whether you’re aiming for consistency, isolation, or simply cleaner code, understanding how to use all effectively can significantly enhance your CSS workflows. Just remember to use it with care, considering the potential pitfalls and best practices.

Walter G. author of blog post
Walter Guevara is a Computer Scientist, software engineer, startup founder and previous mentor for a coding bootcamp. He has been creating software for the past 20 years.

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