
Are Apple Products As Perfect As They Seem?

Let's face it; we live in a tech-dominated world, and there are few companies more influential in that modern world than Apple. Ever since the launch of their new Mac range alongside the classic iPod, Apple has pretty much ruled the world. They're the ones to start the smartphone and tablet crazes and pretty much stand as the vanguard of modern consumer tech. For those who are fans of Apple products, they're more than happy to tell you all about the ways that they are vastly superior to their competitors. They'll tell you that they're vastly superior to any PC or Android phone and that you'll be so much happier if you switched over. But are they right? Well, yes... and no... maybe. Here are a few things to consider if you're on the fence about becoming an Apple convert.


One of the very best things about Apple products is just how user-friendly they are. Just about anyone, from your kids to your grandparents can easily figure out how to work an iPhone, iPad or Macbook. The interfaces are always friendly and simple, and pretty much everything just feels incredibly natural and simple. Sure PCs and Android phones are catching up, but they still can't match the stylish simplicity of Apple products. Of course, that comes at the cost of what you can do with your products in terms of things like customisation. Apple computers are pretty static whereas a PC is something that you can take apart and put back together with newer, more powerful features.


One of the main things that you hear Apple fans constantly advocating is just how reliable Apple products are. And it is true, you're often pretty unlikely to get a virus or anything on a Mac when compared to a PC, but that doesn't mean that things can't go wrong. Macs might not fall victim to viruses as much, but they can freeze pretty easily if they're made to do too much work at once and trying to unfreeze a Mac can sometimes be a bit of an issue. Again, this isn't something that happens often, but it's worth being aware of.


Apple products have a strange habit of somehow being the most and least convenient products on the market in terms of modern tech. On the one hand, their simplicity and ease of use mean that they couldn't possibly be more convenient on a moment to moment basis. But the fact that Apple insists of using proprietary hardware for things like charging ports and headphone jacks means that you've got to have their dedicated products to make anything work, which can be a serious hassle. If you've got a PC or Android product, you can probably use things like charging cables from other product with them without any problems.

The truth is that there is no right answer as to what kind of tech you should be using. It just comes to down your own personal preference. What do you want out of a piece of tech? The answer to that question is going to make a huge difference to what you actually end up choosing, Apple or otherwise, and you shouldn't let anyone else make that decision for you.

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