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Cyber Security Mistakes You're Probably Making

Cyber security is something that all businesses need to be concerned with today. It does not matter how big or small your company is, you are a target. A lot of small business owners make the mistake of assuming they won’t be targeted. However, hackers often see small firms as an easy payday, and so you need to make sure your business is the opposite. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the most common cyber security mistakes so that you can avoid them.

Thinking it is just about malware – There is no denying that criminal hackers still use malware as part of their attack. However, once they get inside your system, there are so many strategies that are used to advance across your network. Cyber criminals have certainly got more sophisticated over the years. This is why it is a good idea to work with an ethical hacker to identify any system vulnerabilities so you can patch them up before a real hacker gets to them.

Not getting your employees on board – Did you know that a significant number of cyber attacks happen because of employee mistakes? The best way to minimise these errors is to get your employees on board with cyber security. Make sure you have a clear policy in place, which is updated on a regular basis. Also, teach your employees about the best cyber security practices and inform them of the serious consequences that can happen if security breaches happen.

Overlooking the basics – While an advanced cyber security system comes highly recommended, this does not mean that you should overlook the basics. A prime example of this is when it comes to passwords. Make sure all of your employees use strong passwords, i.e. those containing lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You also need to ensure that passwords are changed regularly, and that employees use different passwords for different systems. After all, if a hacker guesses a password, you don’t want them to have a route into everything on your network.

Assuming other companies are secure – Most businesses rely on suppliers / outsource a portion of their activities. You should never simply assume that these companies uphold high levels of data security. Choose quality hosting provides like TecnoWeb and make sure that your payment merchant has high levels of cyber security in place. A lot of hackers get through defenses by breaching hosting platforms, rather than going directly to the business source. Therefore, you need to make sure your company is protected on all fronts.

All in all, there is no denying that cyber security is something that all businesses need to concern themselves with. If you can avoid the common cyber security errors that a lot of other companies make, you can go a long way to protecting your business and making sure you do not become the victim of a breach.

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