Attribute |
Overview |
accesskey |
Specifies a shortcut key to activate or to give focus to an element.
<input type='email' accesskey='e' />
class |
Comma separated list of class names that can be used to style the element in CSS.
contenteditable |
Makes an element editable when given focus.
data- |
Custom attributes that can be used to store data directly on a DOM element.
<div data-animal-id='1'>Bird</div> <div data-animal-id='2'>Cat</div>
dir |
The direction that the content will flow in an element.
This is 'right to left'
This is 'left to right'
draggable |
Specifies whether an element is draggable or not
<div draggable='true'>You can drag this div</div>
dropzone |
Specifies whether the dragged data is copied, moved, or linked, when dropped
<div dropzone='copy'>dragging data to this dropzone
will result in the data getting copied</div>
hidden |
This will prevent the browser from showing an element onto the page.
id |
A unique id for an element that can be used to target the element in CSS or JavaScript.
lang |
Specifies the ISO language code of the element's content.
<p lang='es'>Hola amigos!</p>
spellcheck |
A boolean specifying whether an element is to have its spelling and grammar checked.
style |
Used to add inline styles to any element.
tabindex |
Specifies the tabbing order of an element
title |
Specifies extra text about an element that usually appears in a tooltip type popup.
<p title='intro'>It was the best of times</p>
translate |
Specifies whether the browser should translate any given content or not.
<p translate='no'>Hello World</p>