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Anybody that really knows me, knows that I have a taste for baked goods. These days as I age (age well), they tend to be of the glute
What it's like to work remote for 3 years
You have probably seen the typical representation of programmers in movies and the media as worn out and tired individuals in some type of&n
How Much Should You Charge For A Website
If you work a 9-5 job programming job, you won't have to worry much about this question anytime soon. But if you're in the free-roaming wor
Starting The Freelance Journey
Just recently I left my, what I assume to be, last desk job ever. After 10 long years and 30lbs of weight fluctuation between jobs, I've de
The Pros And Cons Of Working Remotely
Most jobs nowadays, still require you to get up early and get ready and to then spend a percentage of your life sitting inside of a vehicle