
Fourteen Tools Every Web Developer Should Use

Fourteen Tools Every Web Developer Should Use

If you would like to work smarter and not harder in the new year, you might want to check out the latest technology that will make your job as a web developer much easier long term. From image converters to collaboration tools, screenshot programs, and video creators, you will find a solution to every technical issue you might come across as a web developer. Below we have listed a few free or low cost online programs and tools that will help you deliver your projects faster and more efficiently. After all, most web developers get paid per project, so you don’t want to spend more time on designing than necessary.

Fourteen Tools Every Web Developer Should Use

1. Visual Studio Code

If you would like to code faster and easier, you could take advantage of this free open source software provided for Microsoft machines. You will find built in debuggers, GIT commands, and several extensions. The best thing about Visual Studio Code is that you can customize it to your needs by adding different extensions that will run different processes, without slowing down your website code editor.

2. Firebug

If you are using Firefox, the best web developer tool for your browser is Firebug. It is easy to integrate it in your browser, and you can edit live pages in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, seeing the changes you made instantly. You might want to download the developer version and modify the script to run smoother with your applications, and tailor your Firefox web editing experience. As a free extension, you can make professional websites live.

3. Fontello

For creating custom fonts and testing them in your browser, you should get this web developer tool. It is a simple icon generator that will help you choose custom awesome and Fontelico fonts to make your web pages look more stunning and unique. You can customize the names and codes in your browser, and test the appearance of the text live. You also have the option to download different web fonts on your computer, so you can use them over and over again.

4. Favicon Generator

You should select a favicon generator that supports every browser and mobile platform, and gives you the option to check your existing icons, edit them, and preview their appearance in different browsers and on various devices. You can simply select and upload your flavicon picture and edit it in less than five minutes. Developers who work with blogging platforms and design online chats, forums can benefit from this great tool available to download or use online.

5. Typetester

A very useful tool for web designers, Typetester offers a free trial for 30 days, and lets them design in their browser. This software is great for those who are just learning a new developing language, as there is no coding involved in using the application. No matter which language the website is designed in, the CSS snippet will be prepared with one click. The responsive output allows you to optimize the appearance of the text on all devices at the same time, saving time and effort. There are over 2800 web fonts offered in the full version of Typetester, and designs can be exported.

6. Browser Sync

The free web developer software lets you reload your designed pages in different browsers. This way, you can test the website faster and make sure it appears clear and responsive on any device. You can integrate browser tools, and instantly check how the pages appear, load, and behave on the small and large screen. You can automatically inject your CSS into the pages, and make sure that your current design is saved. A great help if you want to create a site that is compatible with all devices, and test the speed and load time on various platforms.

7. Whatfont

When it comes to designing a website, making sure that it is readable and clear is one of the important tasks web developers have to master. The tool is good for developers who are asked to redesign or update a site, and change the template or theme. You can find out instantly what font the previous version was utilizing, and you can integrate other tools, such as Google Fonts or Typekit. This simple browser extension you can add to your Chrome is lightweight, and updates itself automatically.

8. Google Fonts

The free Google app offers a great selection of fonts you can use on your website and your clients’. You can test the font weights and variations in your browser, and create one CSS file that can be used for every aspect of the project. If you would like to save time on designing individual pages and want to know exactly how all elements and text will look like, you need to take advantage of Google Fonts. Make sure that you don’t use multiple font sets, as this will increase your page load times.

9. TinyPNG

To speed up the web sites you design, you will need to reduce the size of some images. That is exactly what tinyPNG helps you with. Using lossy compression, you can now take your large jpeg files and convert them into tiny PNG files. The powerful software is fast and works with animation, so if your client has an animated logo or intro, you can easily reduce the load time by converting the image.

10. Optimizilla

Fourteen Tools Every Web Developer Should Use
In case you would like to use both jpg and png images on the website you are working on, you might want to get this software. The compression tool works with all image sizes and helps you optimize the sites and individual pages. There is a simple to use slider that helps you determine the right amount of compression and detail reduction, so you don’t over-optimize the images and compromise on the quality of the site. You can work with up to 20 images, and the tool will work on its own, while you take care of the rest of the design.

11. PDF Converters

If you have pdf files to add to any page, you want to make sure that they are displayed clearly, and don’t use up all the memory and bandwidth. You can convert PDF to JPG to optimize the appearance. Most mobile devices are unable to read pdf files, and using this format will slow down the page. If your client would like to display certificates, scanned letters, or even infographics on their pages, you will need to convert the files and optimize their size and appearance.

12. Sketch

The minimal illustrator is a great alternative to larger paid programs, such as Adobe and PowerPoint. You will be able to see all the images and variations in the window and save them in various formats. You can create your own images or edit creative commons license pictures to make your customers’ site stand out from the competition. The main benefit of using this tool is that you don’t only see a version in the software, but can also preview the appearance of your images in different browsers. The user-friendly software is easy to use online, or you can download the app if you prefer working on a mobile device or touch screen computer.

13. Landscape

Web developers who regularly create web applications, social media banners, logos, and advertising will love the Landscape image editor, as it allows them to create various size versions of the same image. You can upload the image and choose the social media site you would like it to be optimized for. This tool has the potential of saving you hours of trying to create various sized pictures and trying to find the optimum quality and performance.

14. Canva

In today’s app based and mobile centered environment no web designer can live without custom icons and banners. Canva has several great social media templates, print layouts, and free images to go with them. You can add stamps, logos, combine images, and create eye-catching graphics. If you would like to send over drafts to your clients before starting the site, you can use one of the standard layouts and design each element quickly. Thanks to the recent development of apps and online tools, web designers are able to work faster and more effectively. You can create and test your fonts, code the pages, and look up how each website element will look in various browsers and on different devices. You can edit your images and create drafts faster than ever. Most of the tools listed above are free to use online or download, and can make your life easier and less stressful. Whether you are a seasoned web developer, or are just getting familiar with some of the elements, you need to check out the above free and low cost software. You will soon realize that saving your designs, applying your changes, optimizing your pictures, and increasing page speed can be a piece of cake. Do yourself a favor and make sure you look through your web design processes and find development areas where these tools can help you become more efficient.

What Is The Importance Of Using The Best Developer Tools?

The importance of using the best web developer tools to enhance the efficiency and success of your website is a matter that’s often discussed among website owners and designers. However, there are no exact rules that can be laid down for what constitutes a good web developer tool. It depends on what you’re looking for, how you intend to use it, and how you can effectively implement its features.

The other reason why you need to consider website creation using the best web developer tools is that the website creator will make it easy for you to design, add content, and change the content on your site. The tools can also allow you to customize the overall appearance of the site, such as the header, footer, navigation bars, and many other elements. Since this is something that you’ll have the final say on, it’s important to make sure that you’re able to design the site exactly how you want it.

What Are The Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Developer Tool?

There are certain factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right web developer tools, one of which is how you can easily implement your ideas into the web-space. This means that the software should be easy to use and navigate. It should allow you to design, create, and modify the pages you’ve designed within the confines of your browser without any issues. For instance, if you’re designing a website, you would require a web design tool that’s easy to use and understand.

According to, it’s crucial to choose a web developer tool that boosts blog creation as this will allow you to easily incorporate images and text in easy to scan formats by search engines. Business owners rely on you to keep track of all of the information about their business and customers on their own site. This can be very beneficial, especially if they’re running an online store.

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