
How to Encode a String for a URL in C#

When working with URLs in C#, encoding is essential to ensure that special characters (like spaces, ?, &, and =) don’t break the URL structure. The recommended way to encode a string for a URL is by using Uri.EscapeDataString(), which converts unsafe characters into their percent-encoded equivalents.

string rawText = "hello world!";
string encodedText = Uri.EscapeDataString(rawText);

Console.WriteLine(encodedText); // Output: hello%20world%21

This method encodes spaces as %20, making it ideal for query parameters.

For ASP.NET applications, you can also use HttpUtility.UrlEncode() (from System.Web), which encodes spaces as +:

using System.Web;

string encodedText = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("hello world!");
Console.WriteLine(encodedText); // Output: hello+world%21

For .NET Core and later, Uri.EscapeDataString() is the preferred choice.



Storing passwords as plain text is dangerous. Instead, you should hash them using a strong, slow hashing algorithm like BCrypt, which includes built-in salting and resistance to brute-force attacks.

Step 1: Install BCrypt NuGet Package

Before using BCrypt, install the BCrypt.Net-Next package:

dotnet add package BCrypt.Net-Next

or via NuGet Package Manager:

Install-Package BCrypt.Net-Next

Step 2: Hash a Password

Use BCrypt.HashPassword() to securely hash a password before storing it:

using BCrypt.Net;

string password = "mySecurePassword123";
string hashedPassword = BCrypt.HashPassword(password);

Console.WriteLine(hashedPassword); // Output: $2a$12$...

Step 3: Verify a Password

To check a user's login attempt, use BCrypt.Verify():

bool isMatch = BCrypt.Verify("mySecurePassword123", hashedPassword);
Console.WriteLine(isMatch); // Output: True

Ensuring proper hashing should be at the top of your list when it comes to building authentication systems.


String interpolation, introduced in C# 6.0, provides a more readable and concise way to format strings compared to traditional concatenation (+) or string.Format(). Instead of manually inserting variables or placeholders, you can use the $ symbol before a string to directly embed expressions inside brackets.

string name = "Walt";
string job = 'Software Engineer';

string message = $"Hello, my name is {name} and I am a {job}";

This would produce the final output of:

Hello, my name is Walt and I am a Software Engineer

String interpolation can also be chained together into a multiline string (@) for even cleaner more concise results:

string name = "Walt";
string html = $@"
        <h1>Welcome, {name}!</h1>

In C#, you can format an integer with commas (thousands separator) using ToString with a format specifier.

int number = 1234567;
string formattedNumber = number.ToString("N0"); // "1,234,567"


"N0": The "N" format specifier stands for Number, and "0" means no decimal places. The output depends on the culture settings, so in regions where , is the decimal separator, you might get 1.234.567.


You can also specify culture explicitly if you need a specific format:

using System.Globalization;

int number = 1234567;
string formattedNumber = number.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Console.WriteLine(formattedNumber); // "1,234,567"